Saturday, March 13, 2010


Two premice.

Premouse one: Ann and I are clever only before coffee.

Premouse two: Ann and I think we’re clever only before coffee.

We were having our morning indulgence in the pain of aging – usually that means whining, or, on a good day, complaining – and I said “my metaphor for a good night’s sleep is a pebble dropped into a well, and my metaphor for last night’s sleep is a flat rock skipping across a pond.” Ann, competitive 24/7: “my metaphor for last night’s sleep is a stick dropped in the well floating on the surface.” I amended mine to “a rock, tossed towards the well from a distance, bouncing off and landing in the dirt.” Ann: “mine is a rock tossed towards the well, bouncing off and landing in a puddle.” Scott: “Lucky.”

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